Nina me je danes prijetno presenetila s to blogersko nagradico;) Z veseljem jo posredujem naprej;)
Pravila so preprosta: Izberite in nagradite pet všečnih blogov, ki imajo manj kot 200 spremljevalcev ter obvestite njihove lastnike. Tukaj je mojih pet izbrank:
Iza: Ecochic
Polona: Frišnonovojutro
Suzana: 100%suzi
Nina: Thisisal ovemessage
Vesna: Sobazrazgledom
This award was designed to be a blog award in the "pay it forward" fashion. Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like that have fewer than 200 followers, to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs.The rules for accepting this award are:You need to thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award!Next you need to PAY IT FORWARD!
P.S. Super ideja!;)
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